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Daily Activity
in the Classroom

Children : 3-5 year olds

With an exciting lesson offering, every class and program is thoughtfully designed to meet your needs and areas of interest. Reach out to hear more about the variety of classes I offer and find the most suitable one for you.

8:00am - 1:00pm


Early Drop Off

Children arrive early, settle in and provided full nutritious breakfast.


Main morning drop off

Children arrive at school, put their coats away, change their shoes and settle into their environment, and provided full nutritious breakfast environment.


Activity Cycle

Children will begin working on specific Montessori activities designed to progress their physical, emotional and intellectual development holistically.


The Montessori teachers follows the interests and needs of each child. Children are allowed free movement within the indoor and outdoor spaces.

Snacks are provided throughout work cycle.



Lunch – hot meal prepared on-site. Children help with preparing food, serving and cleaning afterwards.


End of morning session

The children on half day mornings will prepare to leave the nursery for home, having had lunch. They will be ready to collect from the collection zone at 12.45-1pm.

1:00pm - 6:00pm

1:0o pm 

Drop off for half day afternoons

The afternoon children arrive at school and settle.

1:15 pm

Montessori Work Cycle

Children will begin working on specific Montessori activities designed to progress their physical, emotional and intellectual development holistically.


The Montessori teachers follows the interests and needs of each child. Children are allowed free movement within the indoor and outdoor spaces.

Snacks are provided throughout work cycle.

4:00 pm

Afternoon tea

Afternoon tea – hot meal prepared on-site. Children help with preparing food, serving and cleaning afterwards.

5:00 pm

Structured play activity

This will vary from activities such as group music, dance, yoga, arts and crafts.

5:45 pm

End of afternoon session

Home time for all children except for those booked for Late Pick-Up at 6.30pm. All children will be ready to collect from the collection zone at 5.45-6pm.

6:00 pm

After School Club

Snacks and free play, relaxing activities such as story time, listening to music, projector displays.

6:30 pm

Home time for all children

Parents need to arrive at 6.25pm to collect children from Main Entrance.

N.B: for free play there will be different indoor and outdoor activities set up for children to flow freely between the spaces and engage and prepared activities, and play resources.

What Our Parents Say

Mrs Mistry, Children's House, 2022

"It’s like home from home. The staff are so accommodating and caring, nothing is too much, and the staff are always receptive to feedback. Communication is good. I will miss the contact with the nursery."
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